Arrival, Dismissal & Bus Transportation

Everything you need to know about the beginning and end—and the "to and fro"—of every day at EVCS.

Daily Schedule

Days Park Campus

7:30 AM: Doors open, bus arrivals and drop-off arrivals

7:30–7:50 AM: Breakfast. Breakfast is offered free to all students everyday. Students report directly to the cafeteria.

7:50 AM: Students are released to their classrooms

8:00: School begins. At EVCS, the school day begins promptly at 8:00 AM with a Morning Meeting in your child’s classroom.

Students arriving after 8:00 AM are marked tardy.

3:15 PM: Dismissal for afterschool

3:05–3:30 PM: Dismissal - walkers and parent pickups

At Days Park:

Students with last names starting A-L dismiss: 3:053:15 PM

Students with last names starting M-Z dismiss: 3:153:30 PM

4:00PM: Bus Dismissal begins

Hertel Campus

7:40 AM: Doors open, bus arrivals and drop-off arrivals

7:45–8:00) AM: Breakfast. Breakfast is offered free to all students everyday. Students report directly to the cafeteria.

8:00 AM: School begins. At EVCS, the school day begins promptly at 8:00 AM with a Morning Meeting in your child’s classroom.

Students arriving after 8:00 AM are marked tardy.

3:15 PM: Dismissal for afterschool

3:05–3:30 PM: Dismissal - walkers and parent pickups

4:00PM: Bus Dismissal begins


Please watch our informative video about transportation, School Dismissal Manager, and arrival & dismissal:

(In spring of 2021, we created this Hybrid Reopening Guide:


We use School Dismissal Manager (SDM) to facilitate a smooth, safe, and organized dismissal every day. We require all families to indicate how their child should be dismissed at the end of the day. Please see the next section for more information on SDM. 

Buses will arrive at EVCS to pick-up students around 4PMDismissal for students taking the bus will begin when busses arrive. Please see the bussing section on this page to learn more.  

Students who are picked up or who walk home are dismissed starting at 3:05PM. We strongly encourage parents to pick-up no earlier than 3:05PM. (Earlier pickups cause students to miss instruction, and increases congestion and delays the arrival and departure of our buses.)

If a student needs to be picked up prior to 3:30PM (e.g. for a doctor’s appointment) it needs to be updated in SDM or communicated to the Main Office ahead of time.

Days Park Main Office: 716-886-4581

Hertel Main Office: 716-424-0555

Bus Transportation

Download the 23.24-Transportation-Application.

School Dismissal Manager

EVCS uses School Dismissal Manager (SDM) along with Fast Lane to coordinate safe, efficient dismissal everyday. 

Learn more basic information about School Dismissal Manager here: SDM Parent Intro

Each new family will be required to set up an account with School Dismissal Manager before starting school. At the beginning of each school year, each family will be required to set their child’s default dismissal schedule before returning to school. This is for all families, even if you never plan to pick up your child and will only be using the bus. 

To communicate how you will pick up your child at the end of each day:

Parents/Guardians can use School Dismissal Manager to indicate how their child will get home at the end of the day, and also to indicate absences, reasons for leaving school early, and reasons for a tardy arrival.

 Parents/Guardians can use School Dismissal Manager to set a default pick up status and can change their child’s pick up status as late as 2pm (10am on an early dismissal day). To make changes after 2pm, call the office or reach out to Meriah Millner (Days Park) or Dylan Gechoff (Hertel).

School Dismissal Manager & Fast Lane 

Upon arrival at the Fast Lane, the parent/guardian or other verified pick-up person, checks in with EVCS staff. Their arrival to the Fast Lane is indicated in SDM and a message is sent to the classroom of the students that the person is verified to pick-up. These students will be dismissed from their classrooms & sent to the pick-up zone to load into their vehicle. 

To make our pickup and dropoff via car as smooth as possible, cars should adhere to the directions provided by staff. 


Here is the: 23.24-Transportation-Application.

EVCS uses Buffalo Public School Transportation (BPST) services. The set up of routes and communication with families of pick-up/drop-off place & time, will come directly from BPST.  You can contact them by calling 716-816-4895.

  • EVCS will coordinate bus transportation for all qualifying students who live in the Buffalo School District. Parents/Guardians can pick up a form to start or change bus service at the main office or download the 23.24-Transportation-Application.
  • Note: If you need to change your child’s transportation within Buffalo, changes can take as long as 2 weeks to go into effect.
  • If you are changing your bus route due to a change in home address, please also notify our Registrar at
  • Families that live outside of the Buffalo District are responsible for setting up bus transportation with their district. Note: Your home district’s calendar may differ from EVCS’ calendar -- so it is important to submit the calendar along with the transportation application. You can find the calendar here. 
  • Kindergarteners and students under the age of 6: an adult must meet the bus at the stop in order for the child to get off the bus.
  • Bus rules: While riding  the bus, students are required to wear a seatbelt, remain in their seats, and adhere to the driver’s instructions. If a student is written up three times, EVCS retains the right to suspend them from using the bus. 

If a bus is running late, please call the terminal directly (phone numbers below) and they will be able to tell you what time the bus will arrive at your stop. 

Bus Transportation

Bus transportation to and from school is provided by the student’s district of residence.

Bus Terminal Phone Numbers

Please call the terminal directly for the best and most timely bus arrival information.

BUFFALO Bus Terminal Numbers

  • 200 Busses: (716) 874-0544
  • 300 Buses: (716) 557-5369
  • 400 Busses: (716) 835-5410
  • 500 Busses: (716) 826-4771
  • 600 Busses: (716) 896-1171
  • 700, 800 & 900 Busses: (716) 894-4778

CHEEKTOWAGA CENTRAL:  (716) 686-3612

KEN-TON:  (716) 874-8611

WEST SENECA:  (716) 677-3820

SWEET HOME:  (716) 250-1435

EVCS Contacts

For Days Park: Meriah Millner at

For Hertel: Dylan Gechoff at


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