Daily Schedule
Days Park Campus
7:30 AM: Doors open, bus arrivals and drop-off arrivals
7:30–7:50 AM: Breakfast. Breakfast is offered free to all students everyday. Students report directly to the cafeteria.
7:50 AM: Students are released to their classrooms
8:00: School begins. At EVCS, the school day begins promptly at 8:00 AM with a Morning Meeting in your child’s classroom.
Students arriving after 8:00 AM are marked tardy.
3:15 PM: Dismissal for afterschool
3:05–3:30 PM: Dismissal - walkers and parent pickups
At Days Park:
Students with last names starting A-L dismiss: 3:05–3:15 PM
Students with last names starting M-Z dismiss: 3:15–3:30 PM
4:00PM: Bus Dismissal begins
Hertel Campus
7:40 AM: Doors open, bus arrivals and drop-off arrivals
7:45–8:00) AM: Breakfast. Breakfast is offered free to all students everyday. Students report directly to the cafeteria.
8:00 AM: School begins. At EVCS, the school day begins promptly at 8:00 AM with a Morning Meeting in your child’s classroom.
Students arriving after 8:00 AM are marked tardy.
3:15 PM: Dismissal for afterschool
3:05–3:30 PM: Dismissal - walkers and parent pickups
4:00PM: Bus Dismissal begins
Please watch our informative video about transportation, School Dismissal Manager, and arrival & dismissal: https://youtu.be/4Xzg1XgNsLs
(In spring of 2021, we created this Hybrid Reopening Guide: http://bit.ly/HybGuide.)