Before-School Care and After-School Programs

Elmwood Village Charter Schools provide free before-school care and free-to-low-cost after-school care to our students.

Before-School Care

Bussers who arrive at EVCS as early as 7:30 a.m. will receive adult supervision in their classroom as a part of their normal school day. A free cold breakfast is available for each student every day before 7:50 a.m., provided by the Buffalo Public Schools Food Service Department.

After-School Programs

EVCS partners with Best Self Behavioral Health and the Boys & Girls Club of Buffalo to provide onsite after-school care as a convenience to parents and guardians of our students. Spots in each program are limited, and are generally available on a first-come, first-served basis. Families must complete a separate registration form for the after-school program, and a modest fee may be charged on a sliding scale.

Learn more about our after-school providers at and

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