Hertel's Community Association meetings will be held the last Wednesday of every month. Click here to see the Hertel CA meeting schedule. Hertel CA 2022 Meetings: January 26th, 2022; March 2nd; March 30th, April 27th, May 25th.  ...

Starting December 1, the application is open for non-attending children to attend EVCS next year. Current students do not need to apply! Apply at: http://enrollbuffalocharters.schoolmint.net/welcomeback by April 1, 2022, to be included in the lottery for the 2022-2023 school year. Who should apply? Siblings of current students: siblings who are not yet attending EVCS and have a current EVCS student in the same family household should apply for each new / non-attending sibling to be included in the lottery. Faculty and staff wishing to send their child/ren to EVCS. Note: A separate application must be completed for each (currently non-attending) child. Again: current students do not need to re-apply. In the spring we will send re-enrollment information to current EVCS families. For more information, please visit www.evcsbuffalo.org/enrollment/applications-admissions/....

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2021 WEAR AND SHARE ORANGE to show unity for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion and to send a visible message that no child should ever experience bullying. Why unity? For years, our culture justified bullying with expressions such as, “Bullying is a natural part of childhood,” “Some kids just deserve to be bullied,” or “Bullying is a rite of passage.” The goal of the day is to bring together youth, parents, educators, businesses, and community members across the nation to emphasize the message that bullying is not acceptable and that all students deserve to be safe in school, online, and in the community. What is the call to action? The call to action is simple—wear and share the color orange—as a visible representation of the supportive, universal message that our society wants to prevent bullying, and is united for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. Why the color orange? Unity Day is held during October, and orange is a color commonly identified with that month and season. It is also a color associated with safety and visibility. Orange is described as warm and inviting, and its vibrancy makes a strong statement. It was also a color that was not being used by another widely known cause    ...

Trunk Or Treat 10/23, 1 - 3PM at EVCS Hertel Trunk or Treat! We are excited to announce that the Hertel and Days Park Community Associations will be co-hosting Trunk or Treat outside at EVCS Hertel, Saturday, October 23 from 1:00-3:00 pm. Safety details: Masks required for all; Entrance times will be staggered; Volunteers, please take a moment to fill out the short interest form at the link to be sent to you via email in mid to late September. This event will be held outdoors. Masks required. ...

**Thursday, 9/16 is VIRTUAL Meet the Teacher Night - via Zoom. Because we have many families with multiple students at EVCS, we are hosting two back to back sessions with the same content. 9/16 Session 1: 6:00 - 6:45 || Session 2: 6:45 - 7:30   ...

Fall Picture Retake / Make Up Day will be December 8, 2021. Students may opt to have their picture re-taken for inclusion in the school yearbook and class composite, regardless of whether families choose to purchase a picture....

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